I am looking to make an online map of groundwater wells on one of my project sites. Most of these wells are sampled semi-annually. I’d like to be able to attach the analytical data to the wells where anyone could query the data.
For example, once I have all of the data on the map, I’d like my boss, or a client, be able to quickly filter to only show wells from 2019 that exceed a certain level of TPH. I’m assuming this filtering could be done with a simple sql expression.
I’m mainly used to ArcMap (yes I’m transitioning to Pro) so I’d prefer to stay in the ESRI ecosystem. I don’t have much experience with ArcGIS online or Web AppBuilder, but it’s on my todo list to familiarize myself with.
My initial assumption is to link the analytical Excel data table(s) to a layer with all the GW wells. Then I could host that feature layer to ArcGIS online.
I am very much a novice compared to most of you on here. Am I on the right track? How would you do this?
submitted by /u/smcdowell26
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