March 10, 2025

My first attempt to establish my world. Ask me what you want and Rate my map and my story (it’s in the description). – April 1, 2023 at 08:42PM

My first attempt to establish my world. Ask me what you want and Rate my map and my story (it's in the description).

My English is not so broad, , so I had to translate. Sorry if there is something misspelled.

The map is somewhat inspired by ours and is shaped like a dragon and fire. And I think is too big.

At the beginning, the Supreme Dragon had seven sons: Aramalar, Darafos, Ignium, Yanma, Kemshen, Flamawi, and Darajinn. He then created a variety of beautiful dragons to settle the land, then the animals we know and lastly the human being. Darajinn, the youngest and the fittest in the eyes of his father, was given the power to protect Akantta; but Aramalar was jealous. He manipulated the rest of his siblings into killing Darajinn by failing. The 5 brothers deeply regretted what they did, so they told everything to the Supreme Dragon and he punished Aramalar by taking away his flame, but before doing so, Aramalar had given his corrupted fire to men in order to rule and take revenge on his brothers. Thus the Malar, the corrupted side of fire, were created. The Supreme Dragon also punished his 5 sons by forbidding them to go down to earth and forbidding them to speak with humans (in those times they could communicate with them). However, seeing what Aramalar was plotting with his corrupted fire, he ordered Darajinn to give his fire to noble-hearted humans to protect Akantta from the Malar, thus the Darajinn Masters were born, capable of creating and controlling the Power of Fire (and other powers). Each generation a very powerful Malar is born; a Chosen of the Corrupted Flame and his title is Drak-Malar. Likewise, each generation a chosen one of the Power of Fire is born and his title is Supreme Darajinn. Many years later, when the past time reached ours, the chosen Supreme Darajinn was Kin Kalakos and his work was effective against the Drak and the Malar, until a second chosen was born: Ben Zambler… and Kin Kalakos felt insecure for the first time.

submitted by /u/misterzettabyte
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