March 10, 2025

Seemingly nonsensical problem exploiting my map to PDF, 90% of my map area exports as completely black – ArcMap Desktop – March 29, 2023 at 09:12AM

Seemingly nonsensical problem exploiting my map to PDF, 90% of my map area exports as completely black - ArcMap Desktop

Edit: Meant Exporting, not “Exploiting” 🤦‍♂️

Okay, this is such a weird problem and impossible to find anything about it online. Yesterday, I exported my map, and it looks like this:


Today, I go to export my map (exact same file, no changes made) and it now looks like this every time I export it:


Nothing has changed in my map file or folders, and it opens completely fine in both layout view and data view:


Has anyone ever encountered this before? Could it be a problem with running ArcGIS desktop in a virtual machine? I have 15Gb free on the VM. Is there some sort of cache I maybe have to clear?

submitted by /u/P0larYT
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