February 26, 2025

Kalayo – The Volatile World (Tidally Locked Half-World Map) – February 27, 2023 at 10:59AM

This map originally started out as a sci-fi world, but I changed directions early on to make it a fantasy map instead. As the title says, this is a tidally locked world where the sun-facing side is extremely hot, but the night side of the world is relatively habitable. While I doubt the science checks out, I did try to keep it at least plausible for a fantasy world. I included some world building details on a panel on the left side of the map as well. Let me know what you think 🙂

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Click image for larger version.       Name: Kalayo - The Volatile World.png    Views: N/A    Size: 3.74 MB    ID: 135363


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