March 10, 2025

Puzzling Puzzles Map Resubmission! – February 18, 2023 at 09:09PM

##Team or individual contributor name


##Map title

Puzzling Puzzles

##Map description

A puzzle solving map! There are multiple rooms that lead to the exit, and your goal? Find the way out!

##What do you love the most about your submission?

I love Skelly the most, a character I built in the map 😀

##Link to album of screenshots, video trailer, or walkthrough for complex/long maps


##Map download link URL here

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F8OIfuUnaHQs0R1VJEKIfsFPezRNyLP9/view?usp=sharing ##Changelog – List of changes you’ve made – since the last submission

  1. Added the information into the template
  2. Added more information about the map
  3. Linked the last submission

##Link to previous submission post (required)


submitted by /u/StalledPencil to r/realms
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