March 12, 2025

Cloud Peak Wilderness – best map? – February 14, 2023 at 10:20AM

Hi wilderness backpacking friends.

I’m planning to take my teenage boys on their first backpacking trip in the Rocky Mountains this summer – destination Cloud Peak Wilderness. I’m looking for a good printed trail/topo map for the wilderness area and the only thing I can find is the NG Trails Illustrated version. I have maps from great publishers such as Earthwalk Press & Beartooth Publishing and on a trip to the Beartooth Plateau a number of years ago I bought a great map from a local outfitter that had details not found on my Beartooth Publishing map.

I also use Gaia GPS and CalTopo extensively, but always want a paper map on hand.

Is there anything better than the NG Trails Illustrated map (#720)?

Many thanks – enjoy the outdoors!

submitted by /u/Lopsided-Annual-1136
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