March 12, 2025

Map Request – February 12, 2023 at 03:37PM

Hello. I am looking for a map, and I thought you guys could help me. I need a map of the gulf coast states from MS to the Florida panhandle area. I would be ok leaving the leg of Florida off as I need it to be a little detailed. I work in a hospital in the case management department and we are trying to pin where we send our patients. We have a large map of Louisiana, but our patients are coming to us and go from us further and further away it seems like as we get more and more specialties. So, if you could help me find something suitable that would be great. I can print it out and have it laminated at a print shop, but I just can’t find the map I need. Triple bonus points if it has hospital systems and their areas of service marked out on it.

submitted by /u/IrkedAmalia
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