March 14, 2025

KOTH map in Minecraft – February 9, 2023 at 11:55PM

Hey, all! I had this map idea a month or so ago, and I was going to sit down and learn how to make it in Hammer, but when I heard that anything submitted before May had a chance to be in the game I knew I wouldn’t ever be able to figure that out in time. So, I am posting my idea here in case anyone gets inspired by it. It’s a KOTH map based on that part of Treasure Island where the protagonists are holding out in a fort. Like I said, I don’t know Hammer, so I just threw together a rough model in Minecraft (I also ran Minecraft in an older version because it’s easier on my potato laptop). It’s my first map, and I know it has some issues – the atrocious sniper sightlines and the Harvest issue of campable spawns, to name a few. I tried my best to rectify it by adding multiple unique spawn exits and ensuring that snipers on the point can’t see anything in the spawns, even if they could see around the spawns generally.

Anyway, here’s the world save file thingy if anyone wants to take a look. You don’t even have to credit me or anything – I just really like the idea of jungle-themed maps and I would be thrilled to see anything even remotely resembling it added to the game. Also, there’s a sneaky-but-not-really secret hidden on the map.

Google drive link:


submitted by /u/DataData2 to r/tf2
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