March 10, 2025

Mini Royale map is too big. – December 28, 2022 at 06:02AM

I don’t know about you all but as much as I love warzone 2.0 they need to trim the Mini Royale. I like the mini’s for the fast paced high kill count, I was a big fan of Fortunes Keep. The whole reason I would switch from the big maps to FK or Rebirth was when I was craving that higher intensity. I feel this new one is too spread out, by the end of the match the kill count isn’t anywhere near what FK and Rebirth were for me. Don’t get me wrong I love the map but I just feel due to it being alot more spread out, it lacks engagements which ultimately are the reason you would switch over from normal BR. What do you think? Should the mini frisrjby be more like Fortunes Keep or Rebirth? Or should it stay the same?

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submitted by /u/Horror_Restaurant580
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