January 30, 2025

Looking for a map of the 13 colonies – December 8, 2022 at 04:44AM

Hi everyone!

I’m not posting a map, I’m rather looking for one here. I teach English as a foreign language and I would need a map that shows the 13 colonies with their year of creation (or at least showing the period). I don’t need anything else, I would rather not drown the students in details (basically I need them to see that settlers first came to the East Coast between the 16th and 18th century and only settled Westwards after the Revolution).

I haven’t found anything that works for me on Google. Would anyone have a map that could work? I know it might not be crazy historically accurate but it’s just to help them have a general idea without me actually telling them everything

submitted by /u/FrenchBlondie22
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