March 12, 2025

Topo Map Editing – November 22, 2022 at 02:50PM

I am working on creating a Topo Map of the United States for 3D printing, State By State. I know there are some great ones out there but I am wanting to add some details to certain areas and I also want to increase elevations on states that have lower/flatter elevations.

Is there a way to Auto select all Vertices at a certain Z-Axis location and/or Auto select all Vertices on a Grange of z-axis locations? (example: Choosing all vertices located on the z-axis that are at 8.08 or all located at locations 8.08 to 10.44). This i might be wanting to do to say lower everything selected to one level so i could use a different color filament to show water when inland lakes seem to be at different elevations

I am sure i will have other things i will need help with

submitted by /u/Toddvg to r/blenderhelp
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