March 12, 2025

[Paid – Taken] Technical concept map – November 21, 2022 at 12:43AM

[Paid – Taken] Technical concept map – November 21, 2022 at 12:43AM
Project Scope:

Technical concept map for custom location on russian-speaking World of Warcraft RP private realm.



Design Concept:

Our « developing team » need a temporary map to better understand the concept and get some references points. That’s why this map is unfinished. I would like to have fairly simple and clear technical map in black & white format.

I look forward to finish this map later with the same cartographer, when our team will be ready.

My concept:


I want cartographer to put russian names of location on place of numbers. They are:

1. Крепость Милосердия

It’s like a fortified city on the island which is connected with the continent by shallow.

2. Хум

Small fishermen village.

3. Порт-Стратхольм

Sea port and the town.

4. Стратхольм


5. Орлиное гнездо

Forteresse on the mountain pass.

6. Портовый тракт

Stoan road from 4 to 3, which have to be different from other roads.

7. Зул’Монт

Troll’s pyramide.

8. Крат

Another city.

9. Восточная Пашня

Village at the foot of mountains

10. Зубец

Mansion in the mountains.

11. Урдеш

Just a village at the foot of mountains.

12. Иргенвальд

Mining village.

12. Усыпальница

Graveyard. A big one.

13. «Королевский Саванн»

It’s a ship.


35€ (and 35€ for other half of project, when we’ll be ready) via PayPal or IBAN.

Full prepayment.


There is no deadline, but I would like to get the map as fast as possible.


discord — @Antodias#2042

mail — orestkozel@gmail.com

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