February 27, 2025

Apex Legends’ Broken Moon Map Builds On The Afrofuturism Of Catalyst And Seer’s Home – October 28, 2022 at 05:17PM

Alongside new playable legend Catalyst, Apex Legends Season 15 adds a fifth battle royale map to the game called Broken Moon. Broken Moon explores both the bright and dark sides of the moon, contrasting heaven and hell. Located upon Cleo, the partially destroyed moon hanging over Boreas, Broken Moon will feature African culture and imagery, reflecting what we’ve seen of Catalyst and Seer‘s homeworld.

We first saw Boreas and Cleo just prior to Season 10 and the introduction of Seer. Unlike most of the other locations seen across the Titanfall games and Apex Legends, Seer’s home seemed to feature a primarily dark-skinned population and African-inspired culture. Finally returning to the planet (or, rather, the planet’s moon) in Season 15 presented a chance to talk shop with the narrative and art teams behind Apex Legends to figure out how this corner of the in-game universe came to be.

“There are several tribes and countries represented throughout Boreas,” Apex Legends world director Ed Agostini told me. “Most of our inspiration comes from Nigeria. You can see these [on Broken Moon] represented in areas like the government-provided homes for the workers on the moon–the Promenade and the Eternal Gardens [point-of-interests]. The use of diamond-shaped patterns found on rugs and pillows, wildlife sculptures, and painted masks can be seen on shelves and walls. In the Promenade, you can find several shops that have Igbo-specific names that [former Apex Legends writer] Ify Nwadiwe helped us with. Even the name of the Kobindi Group, which represents the private industry on the moon, is Igbo-inspired.”

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