March 9, 2025

I have created a map, lore, characters and story for Red Dead Redemption 3 – July 25, 2022 at 06:22AM

Hey! Last week I published a post with a map I had designed for RDR3. Here it is:


The project got a lot of support, so I got motivated to continue and I’ve created the lore for the full video game. Map, story, characters, mechanics and mysteries. I’ve made a guide of more than 50 pages in which I’ve included many illustrations and concept arts made with the Dall-E 2 AI (as I said in the other posts, I’m not good at concept art). Download the map:

Download the map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1502T928YmEU14TzGhNispsA5s4NgO3Bw/view?usp=sharing


First I would like to start by talking about the map locations. IT DOESN’T FOLLOW THE LORE OF THE GAME 100%.The game mentions real locations like New York, Ohio, Chicago, etc. The idea is that this game takes place in another universe but with the same characters and story. I have created a small guide in which I explain in detail how each location is, here an example:

Full map guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ly-4F074hoKkoMagzM8UlzBZ7mzId6DS/view?usp=sharing


The story I have created for the game starts from the idea that Mac Callander did not really die after the Blackwater heist. I have divided the story into 12 chapters and summarized them in the guide.

Summarized Story: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lef0Loaa0bX_16YfUEga4aLKkCo_sEG8/view?usp=sharing


With such a large and varied map, the amount of mysteries and easter eggs there can be is immense. I have created some that I would like to see and I have also based on some ideas that you have given me 🙂

Chapter of mysteries and easter eggs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PUZlpxWKq5Zejcp5F87QxtQCV5MgnJJ5/view?usp=sharing


Every game Rockstar releases surprises us with new mechanics. RDR2 is a marvel with incredible details and many activities to do along the map. For my RDR3 idea I have proposed a number of new mechanics and activities that could be cool to see in the next game (based on the lore I have created for this project).

Mechanics and activities chapter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dop7bnVXDLM5m7RAPmX9fJY4gVakoAg9/view?usp=sharing


As I said before, the main character of the game would be Mac Callander. This character’s face was never seen, so I have created it with Dall-E 2. The rest of the characters I have included in the guide are new, although many familiar faces appear in the story. I have not included the characters we see in the other games because we all know how they look like:)

Chapter of characters: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hupehwaIIFcdr6tXNhx_RNs2XsTY2Co/view?usp=sharing

That said, before I continue with the post, I leave the download link of the complete guide with all the chapters together 🙂



Does the project completely follow the original lore?

No, as I said at the beginning of the post, I have not followed the lore of the game to the letter. This is a version of something I would really like to see as a fan of the saga. It is geared to be based in a different universe, with the same characters and story, but with some small changes in the world.

Why use an AI?

The first reason is because I’m not very good at concept art. It’s also a sample of the possibilities that an AI can offer to the world of videogames, story creation and concept art. If I’ve done this alone, imagine what a whole group of creatives and scriptwriters could do!

Can I be part of the project?

Of course you can! You can add your ideas to the lore, create stories, mysteries, mechanics, etc. If you want you can also invite me for a coffee, that’s always motivating. If you can’t, you can also help me a lot by sharing it!

Link if you want to invite me to a coffee 🙂


Thank you all very much for the support you have given to the project from the beginning, you are a great community 😀

submitted by /u/Admirable-Class72 to r/reddeadredemption
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