March 12, 2025

[Paid] Fantasy Map of my Childhood Summer Camp – September 28, 2021 at 05:02AM


I have a bit of a unique map commission idea that I’ve wanted to do for ages now, and I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me out.


I’m looking to make a fantasy-style map of the summer camp I spent so much of my childhood at. There will be 3 lakes, some forest areas, a couple of winding roads and paths and a couple dozen landmarks/regions.

I’m picturing a classic fantasy map but with certain landmarks blown up. For example, one region would have a landmark titled “Cursed Monkey Bars” and the monkey bars would be superimposed over the topography, obviously not to scale. I think this would require good map-making skills but also some more traditional drawing expertise for the landmarks.


Something similar to this map from The Phantom Tollbooth appeals to me. Notice how certain landmarks are drawn in. I was hoping for a more traditional fantasy map style with slightly cartoonish landmarks drawn on top. https://i.imgur.com/xsN0DpU.jpg

Quality & Size

Professional or semi professional

Required for print

I’m flexible on size – anywhere between 18×24″ and 24×36″. This can be discussed.

Time Constraints

No hard deadline. I’m willing to wait several months if need be.


I don’t need copyright.

Contact Details


I have made a rough version of the map with Google Earth with all the locations and landmarks, and the real artist could turn that into something great. I would also include notes on what things should look like.

Does this sound like something you’d be suited for? If not, do you know of anybody who could help me with this?

Thanks so much!

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