March 8, 2025

Bad Batch First Look: “War-Mantle” by StarWars.com Team

Bad Batch First Look: “War-Mantle” –

Following their encounter with the Pykes, the Bad Batch take on a risky new mission. Check out preview images from the latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, “War-Mantle,” now streaming on Disney+!

Kaminoans and clone troopers on Kamino.

Kaminoans and clone troopers on Kamino.

The Bad Batch in the Marauder cockpit.

The Bad Batch in the Marauder cockpit.

The Batch Batch travel on foot through a mountain range.

The Batch Batch travel on foot through a mountain range.

Echo, Tech, and Hunter on-mission.

Echo, Tech, and Hunter on-mission.

Hunter, Tech, and Echo speak with someone from behind a protected entrance.

Hunter, Tech, and Echo speak with someone from behind a protected entrance.

The Marauder sits in a dense forest.

The Marauder sits in a dense forest.

Omega waits aboard the Marauder.

Omega waits aboard the Marauder.

A planet of mountains and grassy plains.

A planet of mountains and grassy plains.

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Site tags: #StarWarsBlog, #DisneyPlus, #TheBadBatch

This information appeard first at https://www.starwars.com/news/bad-batch-first-look-war-mantle

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