A Deadly Duo Rises in Marvel’s Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1 – Exclusive Preview –
When 4-LOM and Zuckuss tried to take Han Solo from Boba Fett in Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1, it didn’t go too well. But that one miss aside, they’re quite the bounty-hunting team.
StarWars.com has an exclusive preview of Marvel’s Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1 — a special one-shot continuing the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover — that takes us back to an early mission for the duo. Their deadly collaboration shows why they were among the bounty hunters summoned by Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
In addition, StarWars.com has a first look at Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #15. Also part of War of the Bounty Hunters, the preview finds General Vukorah on the run, while Dengar and Valance try to keep a low profile…
War of the Bounty Hunters: 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1, from writer Daniel José Older and artist Kei Zama, with a cover by Mahmud A. Asrar, arrives August 4 and is available for pre-order now on Comixology; Bounty Hunters #15, from writer Ethan Sacks and artist Paolo Villanelli, with a cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli, also arrives August 4 and is available for pre-order now on Comixology. Both comics will be for sale at your local comic shop.
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This information appeard first at https://www.starwars.com/news/marvel-star-wars-war-of-the-bounty-hunters-4-lom-zuckuss-1-exclusive-preview
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