Here is one more totally hand-drawn map, this time of an imaginary desert coastal region and in 3 sheets.
The style consists essentially of an imitation of the 1/50.000 topographical map of France, 1922 type. Of course, my option for the maritime blue palette is perfectly aesthetic and personal
There is a fairly large city at the mouths of the two rivers which is probably largely abandoned. The roads, railways and almost all the bridges are cut.
Pratically nothing in these infrastructures has been thought out in a possible functional sense. This city is not intended to exist as such – even in an imaginary way, nor even to function. It is only, once again, a representation, an expression of my psyche.
I drew my self-portrait in this city. I mean literally. It seems however that, although it is in a figurative style (based on white / black contrasts), it is difficult to see it. You may have to keep looking for a while…
The words that guide the composition of these spaces are taken from a prose poem by my friend Philippe Despeysses, I transcribe them here:
« La route sera longue, trop longue peut-être, avant de devenir rocher dans la mer, au bout du bout, à la limite du monde, là où il devient plat.
Oiseau léger devenir, planer au gré du vent, suivre les vagues qui dansent, farandole qui tourne sur elle-même autour de la terre. »
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