December 28, 2024

Looking to commission someone for a map of a fictional, modern city set in the USA – July 19, 2021 at 03:32AM

Hey all, first poster,

I’m looking to commission someone for an ongoing project. Put short, I’m creating a fictional city for Vampire: The Masquerade set in Maryland, USA. While not required, I’d appreciate someone with knowledge of Vampire: The Masquerade for this.

The city begins just as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge ends, stretching horizontally from real world Graysonville to Greensboro and vertically from Trapp to Centreville. The historic district stretches from Southeast Creek southward to Corsica River. Horizontally, it stops just before Tuckahoe State Park. And last but not least… I know Tuckahoe state part still exists.

I’m not knowledgeable about map making or cities. While I could get into map making and make my own, I’m a college student and am extremely busy with school and actually writing the setting. So, I’m looking to get a commission. If this interests you then you can contact me at clownsinstormdrains@gmail.com. Don’t hesitate to respond if you have knowledge of Vampire: The Masquerade. I hope to hear from you soon.

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