March 6, 2025

BMG V6 Direct Drive mount for HeroMe Gen 5 (Stock Creality Gantry)


The pre-existing Direct Drive solution for the HeroMe Gen 5 using a BMG extruder and V6 hot-end didn’t take advantage of the built in V6 mount inside the BMG extruder. This meant the extruder was 40mm higher than required and used additional mounts, this added weight, extra Bowden tubes and moved the centre of gravity upwards. The solution also required you to use a new direct drive gantry.

This solution has the following improvements:

  1. Uses the built in V6 mount for the BMG meaning the highest quality direct drive possible.
  2. Lowers the extruder by 40mm making the centre of gravity improved.
  3. The 3D printed mount plate supports using the stock or direct drive back plates. The Direct Drive backplate allows you to mount the extruder through the backplate as well for added stiffness. (optional)
  4. Hot-end cooling duct also diverts some flow upward to cool the pancake stepper. They usually run a little hot with this small amount of extra airflow they remain only slightly warm even when using high speed printing with linear advance enabled.
  5. Retains stock mounting position for a BL Touch and fan mounts. I recommend the light weight 5015 fans but you can pick your own they all should work.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4774758 on March 6, 2021 at 08:08PM by edddeduck

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