March 11, 2025

Back to Senseless, Endless, Expensive Wars – Dave Blount

Back to Senseless, Endless, Expensive Wars –

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, which consists largely of senseless, endless, extravagantly expensive wars:

A U.S. airstrike targeting facilities used by Iran-backed militias in Syria appears to be a message to Tehran delivered by a new American administration still figuring out its approach to the Middle East.

While it is refreshing to see Democrats stand up to Iran for a change, can’t we steer clear of the perennial quagmire Syria? It is likely to bog us down in a bigger war, possibly involving Russia.

On behalf of the liberal establishment, David French cheers:

Good. Targeting our troops should carry a consequence. https://t.co/J6AZvLkdPJ

— David French (@DavidAFrench) February 26, 2021

But of course, it would have been bad if Trump had done it:

Shot, shot, shot, chaser pic.twitter.com/VUtP4s5QpO

— Caleb Hull (I’m With the CCP Don’t Ban Me) (@CalebJHull) February 26, 2021

Trump tried to get us out of messes like Syria. He should have tried harder. Even so, we would just go back to plunging into them again with establishmentarians in control.

On tips from Varla and Bluto.

The post Back to Senseless, Endless, Expensive Wars appeared first on Moonbattery.

– February 26, 2021 at 02:20PM

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