This is a simple door stopper that you can customize. Create 3D business cards that are useful and won\’t be lost …
Door stopper V1 comes in two versions:
– Simple: You can add text on top
– Normal: You also can add text underneath
Door stopper V2 is a bit smaller and has a cut off top
These models were made with OpenScad ( http://openscad.org )and you also can customize the *.scad files.
Printing will be difficult with ABS since it will warp. If you print with a RapMan or similar, make sure to make a fat and hot raft. PLA printing on the other hand is easy (see the blue example picture), but it won’t be as solid. More tips are inside the *.scad files.
Create 3D letters with a tool like Sketchup or Netfabb ( http://www.netfabb.com/ ) . Then merge with a tool like Meshlab ( http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/ ) or OpenScad. Netfabb pro (commercial) is the easiest solution.
– Text underneath should be 3mm high with Z = 0
– Text on top for door-stopper-2.stl: Z = 7.5
This article was first featured at https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/door-stopper-danielkschneider on January 6, 2021 at 08:04AM by
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