March 1, 2025

TT-8L doorkeeper droid


At last I came to a good status in creating a 3D printable version of this droid. Anyway it still has some issues:

  • The whole head can rotate and may also go upside down. Not a big problem as (for now) it’s moved by hand
  • Opening and closing mechanism still has to be created. I designed several different methods, but it’s really difficult to design one that it’s not really visible and works.
  • The whole structure is quite heavy (especially the head) and I do not know if it will resists in time. It’s completely 3D printed.
  • As it’s so heavy I also need a stable way to put it in place (also still need to find the right place, but that’s another story).
  • Finally I wish to find a simple and good mechanism to move the tubes in and out, so that the spiked arms can be positioned.

Leaving these issue apart, I’m quite satisfied of the result! It’s not really finished (I think no model is ever complete, especially when 3D printing), but it’s good enough to be shared.

Anyway It took me a lot of efforts to design it, so I decided to make it available through a Patreon tier. This is the main link: https://www.patreon.com/mascalx.

The tier gives You access to a post with the link to the models page. Anyway there are few notes:

  • You can go to the models only by clicking on the link in the Patreon post. Putting the address in your favourites or typing it directly in the browser will not work.
  • The head has not been published yet, because the parts needs to be heavily fixed before sharing. They will be ready in the next weeks on the same page (I will inform You about that).
  • Even if I built the whole model and everything seems to work fine (leaving apart what I listed above), there is room for a lot of improvement. Again You are free to make all the changes that You wish.
  • After sharing all the models, if there is enough interest, I will make available also the original Blender file. On the same tier of course.

If You have any issue or question, You can contact me in the MrBaddeley Facebook group, or if You prefer just send me an email (address on the models page). I will try to answer as soon as possible.

In the video You can see a short example of lighting using RGB leds. Using those leds it’s easy to select any color for the droid.


The model You find here is used to align the main tube with the 4 curved ones in the rear of the droid.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4711188 on January 5, 2021 at 12:09PM by mascal

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