March 9, 2025

Open CyRe Cycloidal Gearbox


Cycloidal 3D printable Hollow shaft 1:11 reducer with an integrated Encoder and an adjustable belt stage. This gearbox is used in axis 4, 5 and 6 of the Atlas 6 DOF 3-D printed universal robot. https://hackaday.io/project/168259-atlas-6dof-3d-printed-universal-robot

This is a remix of the original Open CyRe created by Damian Lickindorf

NOTE I am currently printing and building this. STL files will change with the new parts.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

The BOM was modified from the original to accommodate ease of purchase through known online dealers in the United States. Some items come in bundles and you will have extras. Prices and total do not include shipping.

Outer Shaft Bearing $11.49 x 1 = $11.49
Outer Pins $8.19 x 1 = $8.19
Ring Pin Bearings $5.99 x 2 = $11.98
Belt GT2 200mm $7.99 x 1 = $7.99
Belt GT2 240mm $15.88 x 1 = $15.88
Bearing 25x32x4 $7.59 x 2 = $15.18
Bushings 8x10x6 $6.49 x 2 = $12.98
Nema 17 $20.99 x 1 = $20.99
ENC1j-28D $49.81 x 1 = $49.81
M2x30 $8.95 x 1 = $8.95
M2 Nuts $1.59 x 1 = $1.59
Inner Pins $4.19 x 6 = $24.96
M3 Nuts $0.88 x 1 = $0.88
M4 Thin Nuts $5.28 x 1 = $5.28
M3x45 $12.21 x 1 = $12.21
Steel Flat Screw $4.50 x 1 = $4.50
LV8729 Motor Driver $15.99 x 1 = $15.99
Teensy 3.2 $25.83 x 1 = $25.83

Total $212.86


Coming soon, still modifying


Coming soon still building

Original Source: https://hackaday.io/project/168498-opencyre

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4711928 on January 5, 2021 at 11:24PM by brisse

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