March 10, 2025



This is the evolution of the mini 3D printer (thing:4405051) I made same time ago. The printer was fine but I do not love bowden extruder so I decided to upgrade to direct model. To sustain the weight of a direct extruder become necessary add another Z axis and same printed parts. The only redrawed part from previous printer design is the X carriage now made to support 2 LM8UU bearings instead of 3 LM8 that assure less play to the carriage. This new part is printed in PETG material, all other parts in PLA. At the top a belt was added to maintain the syncro between the 2 Z motors. The new printing area due to the extruder was now limited to 104 x 138 x 90 mm (lost 21mm in X and 5 mm in Z). The extruder used is a titan aero, the motherboard is a BTT SKR 1.4T with TMC2226 for XY, DRV8825 for Z and 4988 for E. The box was made in wood 8mm thickness with hinges to provide an easy access to assemble the electronic parts and wires.

The new printed parts include same parts keep from thingiverse, in particular the TFT enclosure box that was made from:
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3862575 with the remix of the lower part,
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4167864 for the pulleys.
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2802474 for the fan grill covers.

The final result is a more stable structure and easy use respect previous version.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4710745 on January 5, 2021 at 04:04AM by tittopower

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