The Problem:
I needed a way to mount my phone to a tripod in a secure way so that i could take timelapse shots or longer videos. For this reason i started to search on thingiverse but sadly i couldn´t find anything that would be durable enougth to withstand a little bit of abuse (e.g. just thowing it in my bag) while also beeing easy to print. So I decidet to just make my own in Fusion 360.
The phone holder is made from 3 3d printed parts,
two 4mm metal rods,
one long M4 threaded rod,
two M4 nuts
and a mountingpoint of an old actioncam housing.
(In the design there is a hole for another M4 nut in the bottom part which is supposed to be glued in place and should serve as a mounting point if you dont have a standard tripod mounting nut like I had laying around)
You can use it with pretty much every phone or even with tablets if you have long enougth metal rods. The slots for the phone are 13mm wide because that fit my phose best. If your phone isnt that wide (with case) it will probably still work fine brcause the screw clamps it in place. Otherwise you can always add some kind of rubber pad or similar materials to make it fit.
I printed all parts standing upright to get the maximum strength out of it.
No supports needed
maybe you have to drill out the holes in the upper part because it has to move on the rods. In the lower part its better to press the metal rods in so they sit tightly in there and dont fall out. You might need to heat the nut up to get it flush into the lower part.
This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4709711 on January 4, 2021 at 10:37AM by maxwfk
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