March 11, 2025

Micro blackbird project

Almost finished my master resin mold for a new project. Carved out of balsa and plastic and then cast into resin. More sculpting and then panel line etching. Hardest part is symmetry of everthing. In the future 3D printing might help and speed up process. Model is designed around twin counter rotating 12mm fans (2.5 ohm 412 brushes motors) actuator tip elevons. Shooting for under 10grams flying weight. Will be thermoformed out of 1mm foam. Haven’t decided on profile shock cones or smaller 3D shock cones and cheater holes. Open to suggestions. Will likely end up testing a few combinations. More to come soon. Wingspan 5 1/4, length 8 1/2

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This article was first featured at https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3797577-Micro-blackbird-project&goto=newpost on January 4, 2021 at 03:21PM by lw_hughes

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