This is an adapter to connect my DirtDevil vaccum to my Bosch PEX220 random orbit sander.
To adjust this to your own vacuum hose or tube, load the .f3d file in Fusion360 file and adjust the User Parameters: Just open the “Change Parameters” dialog from the “Modify” ribbon and enter the inner diameter of your hose or tube into the variable “TubeInnerDiameter”.
I suggest making a test print of only the hose adapter part (top 30mm) to see if it fits snugly before printing the whole thing.
You can also adjust other variables from that dialog: You can enter your own nozzle diameter, change perimeter count you will want to use, or adjust the length of the hose adapter piece to influence the steepness of the friction fit slope.
Open Issues: The adapter snaps onto the sander with small tabs on the inside that hook into ridges on the sander’s exhaust, instead of using big clasps like the original dust bin. This fit is pretty tight and I use the vaccum hose as a handle, but I don’t have any data on how quickly these will wear away with prolonged use.
This article was first featured at on January 3, 2021 at 05:51AM by SvenS
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