March 10, 2025

Turf Moor stadium scaled 1:500

This model was requested by David Askew, thanks to him for the feedback and photos, he agreed to share this work here. He ask me to do a model of the Turf Moor stadium in Burnley, England, that could be printed in his printer (an Ender 5 Plus, print volume of 35 x 35 x 40 cm). This design is highly based on, though no directly modified from, this Sketchup model from 3D Warehouse. I made it more 3D-printing-friendly using SolidWorks. The original model was too outdated, so I used also more updated (but still old) Google Map and Street View, and newer photos of the stadium. However, I had no access to the stadium, I cannot take proper measures from the images, and I had to guess some unseen parts; so, like the original model, mine’s is more like “representative” than accurate.

I decided to make it available in two versions:

  • One scaled (roughly) one in 500, in one piece, limited to the main stands limit (no surrounding terrain), which is about 34 cm in its maximum length. This model should be make with a lot of support, and you must be careful enough taking it off. It’s just one model, labeled “_1_500” (1:500).
  • The other one is bigger, scaled 1:350, splitted in many pieces of 19.5 cm max side (for most common printer bed of 20 x 20 cm). The amount of models of this version is huge, so I add too a compressed file with every file of this scale. The label of the models of this scale is “_1_350”. The whole model is divided this way:
Main parts, superior view

Every part here (except for the four main stands and the floodlights) have to be printed one time only. Each stand is divided itself in several smaller parts.

Hargreaves and McIlroy stands assembly.

For the two bigger stands, the roof and the seats part are divided in “left” and “right” (front view), I know it’s confusing. The first number after the stand’s name is the “upper” and “lower” seats. The “blank” parts are the non-lettered seats “background”; I made the letters ”background” as separate parts so you can print them in different colour than the rest of the stand. The same as for the letters. The tag “_bg” in the file’s name refers to “background”. The “blank” parts have to be printed twice, preferable flipped or mirrored, so you get the same texture in the superior part. The small flood lights have to be placed in the roof of Hargreaves stand (x16), and should fit in the McIlroy stand too (x11).

Bob Lord and Cricket Field stands assembly.

The Bob Lord and Cricket Field stands are simpler to assemble. The seats’ parts are divided in “left” and “right” like in the bigger ones, but the roof is divided in “halves”, because they are simply two equal prisms, so you need to print two times both of them.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4702689 on January 3, 2021 at 10:37PM by tato_713

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