The remix search is bugged, so:
Most pieces except were form julienM (shown in the remixed from section)
Knight was from TimEdwards here – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:585218/files
Rook bottom is from julienM, top is from tetralite – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:378322
Idea for coin weighting was from bmhingst – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2227969
If you would like to make changes (such as swapping out quarters for nickels, tinkercad version is here: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/7Il7ZK80Wg1
I wanted a tall and heavy chess set. I thought about buying tungsten weights online but ended up not wanting to use spare change around the house.
What you will need:
$15.70 cents in spare change (if making extra queens)
green felt
Denominations are:
48 quarters
58 nickels
80 pennies
I printed these on my ender 3 pro with 100% infill (12% worked as well) with no supports except for: the Knight’s nose and under the queen and king. The queen and king worked fine without it but weren’t as clean.
My S3D fff profile used is attached, as well as an example s3d file for the king, gcode for the king, and a picture of the knight supports.
I have also included a file for printing all pieces at once (gcode and STL), though I do not recommend this due to retraction bumps.
Piece heights and weights are below. Weights 1 is the coin weight, weight 2 is with the plastic printed at 100% infill without supports. Note, you can print these at 12% infill but full infill wasn’t much longer so I did that instead. Weights are without glue.
101.75 mm height (4.01 inches)
10 quarters – 57g
Final weight – 87g
96.04 mm height
4 nickels, 6 quarters – 54g
Final weight – 80g
55.22 mm height
9 nickels – 45g
final weight – 77g
78.08 mm height
4 nickels, 2 quarters – 31g
final weight – 50g
63.36 mm height
8 nickels – 40g
final weight – 56g
50.36mm height
5 pennies – 12.5g
final weight – 22g
I used this for the felt – https://www.amazon.com/Prima-Place-self-adhesive-resistant-multi-purpose/dp/B01NAKO73P/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=green+felt+stickers&qid=1609459562&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sr=8-7
This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4704614 on December 31, 2020 at 07:34PM by Treymiller
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