March 12, 2025

Good things that happened for Gun Owners in 2020

  1. Amy Comey Barret.
  2. 5 million new gun owners.
  3. Record firearms sales (17 million guns sold).
  4. Record setting numbers of CCW permits issued.
  5. Broadening firearm owners from old white Fudds to women and minorities.
  6. ATF’s rescinded their new brace nonsense.
  7. Statewide preemption passed in Montana.
  8. A least some public recognition of how gun control has been used to oppress minorities.
  9. Advances in 3D printing guns and accessories.

submitted by /u/SnooHabits3543
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This article was first featured at https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/ko0nzf/good_things_that_happened_for_gun_owners_in_2020/ on December 31, 2020 at 07:22PM by /u/SnooHabits3543

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