February 22, 2025

Nevada Election Issues: Washoe County, Clark County Are Counting DUPLICATE Voters, Contested Ballots, Unregistered Voters


From Systems IT and Data Integrity specialist did this study after reading of Nevada’s corrupted numbers.

“All sources are listed all data should be available at the links.”

Bottom line, up front they are counting duplicated ballots; at least in Washoe County, NV.

Their own data says they are to those that are looking at it. Attached is the list of duplicate votes that were counted as of the 9 November 2020. There is no other way to explain it; there are 26 daily files listed where you can look back to the numbers reported if they are still available to the dates and these duplicate votes are still recorded.”

I am trying to get this data to someone that might be able to do something.  My background I am an auditor by profession.  Most of my audit experience revolves around systems and data integrity dealing with large scale data analysis. E.g. millions of records.

What I am going to say I can prove and I can prove with public files that were and hopefully still are available to anyone.  (I have a set of these files that are unmodified from download as well)



https:// www. washoecounty.us/voters/files/20_general_ab_ev_files/[File_Name_Goes_Here]

**Note: [File_Name_Goes_Here] = one of the file names mentioned below

File Types and Names:

General Election Voter registration Files:


These are daily general election voter registration and ballot files for that date.

The files will show the date and time they were created when downloaded and will also show who they were last saved by for example Deanna Spikula.  Not sure who it is but it is the name of the person that saved the files.






























Inactive Voter Files:

These are the lists of inactive voters by date.







Primary Election Voter File:  This is the registered voters for the primary election dated 21 May 2020.


Test Summaries:

Voters that voted in the Primary Election who where moved to inactive voters:

(This is derived from using Washoe county file ‘av_multi_file_5_21_20’ crossed to ‘inactive_voters_10_1_20’)

A total of 12,476 registered voters removed; of the 12,476 registered voters removed 10,562 of them were challenged ballots in the primary election.  IN the general election 1,452 (11.64%) of the voters removed were added back.  Then of those added back 1,452 voters added back 1,188 (81.81%) were challenged votes in the primary election.

New Registered Voters by Date:

This looks at the net number of voters registered on a date using the file ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx (test was done on 10 November 2020).  I closed the gap to go from 01 January 2017 forward.  (Note: It there is also another date anomaly in 1 January 1991 )

There are 24 days where the daily new registered voters were over 3 Standard Deviations (up to 10 standard deviations).

In those 24 days, 23,201 voters were registered of which 18,381 voted. So that is 7.77% of the votes cast.  Of those registered voters 7,477 were 50 or older.

Additionally, the county is using an inconsistent method to add inactive voters back to the registered voters.  What I mean is in some cases the voter registration date stays the same and in some cases they change the to a different date (No clear rhyme or reason for this).

Voter Registration date to ballot received:  

This is just looking at the date the individual was added to the voter registration file data set to the date they registered to vote and to the date their ballot was received.

File Used: ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx

Then there are 2,038 voters that were entered into the ‘system’ prior to their registration date.  OF the 2,038 voters 422 (20.71%) of them had ballots received and counted prior to being registered to vote.

Duplicate Voters:

This looked for duplicate voters in the list by voter ID number.  File used: ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx was used.

In that file you will see 7,637 duplicate votes (based on Voter ID Number):

3,757 ‘people’ voted 2 Times

40 ‘people’ Voted 3 Times

1 ‘person’ voted 4 times

Non Verified Voters or Votes (unsure of the field meaning, but from what I can tell it looks like votes not voters):

File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx

In this file 236,452 votes showing as received.  Of the 236,452 votes 130,398 (55.15%) are classified as verified and 106,054 (44.85%) are classified as not verified.

General Election Voter File changes by date:

This looks at changes in the daily file to see what was in a previous date file and not in a prior date file.

Files Used: ab_ev_file_10_12_20.xlsx forward three days to the end

File 1 File 1 Records File 2 File 2 Records Voters In File 1 and Not File 2 Ballots in File 1 and Not File 2
14-Oct-20              296,375 17-Oct-20              298,779                 244                   37
17-Oct-20              298,779 20-Oct-20              299,262                 108                   19
20-Oct-20              299,262 22-Oct-20              299,692                 118                   30
22-Oct-20              299,692 25-Oct-20              300,796                 127                   27
25-Oct-20              300,796 28-Oct-20              302,169                 104                   21
28-Oct-20              302,169 2-Nov-20              303,959                 148                   30
2-Nov-20              303,959 5-Nov-20              303,988                   29                     8
5-Nov-20              303,988 8-Nov-20              303,745                 269                   40
8-Nov-20              303,745 11-Nov-20             303,679                   81                   38
            1,228                 250


Net minimum number of voters added: 8,532  [7,304 from file record changes + 1,228 from dropped records]


Ballots cast that vanished: 250 (This is also the minimum number)



Other Odd items:

File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx


There are three ‘people’ that are 120 years old that voted: ( 1.ASTELLANOS-RAMIREZ, DARLA MARY / 2. SHAMIM, ZOAYLA NAIMA / 3. PUSZKIEWICZ, HUNTER RENEE)


Multi County Registered Voters:

File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx, Clark County Voter Registration Files from their website, Elko County Voter Files from their website.


Elko and Washoe County have an fairly easy to identify 40 or so individuals that are registered to vote in both counties.


Washoe and Clark County have a large number that need to be looked into.  From a first name, middle name, last name, and birthdate/year cross  there are 478.  Some of these have the same addresses listed but flipped.  Etc.

The Affidavit field for registered voters is not done in a constant manner.  (file: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx) There are multiple people that have the same affidavit number.  That number should the form of ID used to register and some type of serial number.

Also regarding the affidavit, there are people using a federal form used for military voters to vote when those individuals are clearly not in the military (out of state voters; and in some cases in state voters).

Why is the birthplace in this file not being consistently used?  Example: 36,126 registered voters that cast ballots in the general election… Washoe county does not even know where they are born???

Logic Test:

This is just the logic test to why the above is important.

The last time I checked the news is saying (Politico):

Biden: 126,098

Trump: 114,614

Total Votes: 240,712

(Source Politico 2020 Election Results for NV; 09 NOV 20)

File ‘ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx’ was showing a total of 236,473 Ballots Received.  What that means is they are counting duplicate voters in those numbers and they are counting contested ballots in those numbers and they are counting unregistered voters in those numbers.

Votes cast: 236,473

Duplicate Votes <7,637>

Challenged Votes <13,275>  * Note: Up to because some of the duplicate votes were caught as challenged.

Other min County duplicates <500> *note just rounding

Removed after primary vote challenge <1,188>  This one should have everyone scratching their head

Added prior to registering  <2,037>

Net first glance Questionable <24,638>  (10.42% of 236,473)    

(Note: Politico is showing a 11,368 vote spread…. So those are over twice the number of the spread)

Votes after questionable: 211,835

I am sorry but this is, in my opinion, is unacceptable.  This is one the worst sets of data that I have seen in my life, in terms of any of it being creditable.  There are clearly no controls in place.  If there are no controls in place the data does need to be audited.

If at first glance I see 10.42% are highly suspicious there is an issue.

This does not even include the magical numbers of records that just appear in this file on the same second.

This does not include the number of voters that are using the same phone number or same addresses.  The out of proportion batch processing of ballots where there are groups that have an average age of 72.

Someone needs to be looking at the data and questioning it.  They need to be pulling those ballots and looking with their own eyes.

If the country knew the above what do you think they would believe?  Do you think that they would have any faith in the system with the data LITERALLY SHOWS THE NEWS AND THE COUNTY ARE COUNTING ALL VOTES AS BEING VALID.

Final Washoe Election Results… https://gis.washoecounty.us/agolHost?id=ElecGEN2020

Those duplicate votes are counted and have been counted this whole time… to included the unvalidated votes and the unvalidated challenged votes.

If you want a systemic issue I literally just handed it to you.  Everything above literally says this is a systemic issue.  I can send the lists of what I have if you are interested.  You can literally recreate everything I said using the referenced data listed.










This information was first published on https://gellerreport.com/2020/11/nevada-election-issues-washoe-county-clark-county-are-counting-duplicate-voters-contested-ballots-unregistered-voters.html/

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