March 15, 2025

Sneeze Guard


This desk protector was designed to help people stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The visibility through the shield will provide the user the ability to see a computer screen through the holes while providing sneeze protection. This is like a mask but for the personal computer. The benefit of using additive manufacturing for this allows the user to print out as supply demands. The angle of the screen can be adjusted based on the user. The feet are flexible to fit on any surface. The one complaint is that it contains large parts; however, these can be glued together after being spliced to fit on a print bed. The parts are simple and will not require much post-processing. The only additional materials would include a folding pin to ensure the dowel rods do not slip out.

If I could redesign this, I would ensure the parts can been fitted without glue, using snap-fit parts. This would require more research into the tolerances of the parts. The sneeze guard could be adjusted to a better design to ensure that less contaminants could go through the screen.

3D printing is effective for this, as the materials are readily available and easy to sterilize.


This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4623365 on October 14, 2020 at 01:54AM by enickma321

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