March 14, 2025

Lithophane Light Box


Lithophane Light Box that holds 4 photos.

I designed this to print with the least amount of parts and to allow the photos to be changeable.

I used 3dp.rocks to create the lithophanes. I modified the pictures to be square before uploading them to 3dp.rocks. The settings I used are included in the images for this thing. I printed my lithphanes standing on edge with a brim. Printing the lithophanes on edge allows you to print with more detail than printing laying flat on the print bed. My lithophanes were printed with Hatchbox White PETG.

The LED lights I used are LE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light Strip. I used Gxilee Power Supply to power the LEDs because it has an inline power switch that allows the light to be easily turned on/off and it comes with a Female DC Connector.

Update 6/7/17

Added Light_Box_Body_v2.stl which combines the bottom and body. Now it is not necessary to print both the bottom and body. You can just print Light_Box_Body_v2.stl and Light_Box_Top.stl.

Update 12/17/17

Added Light_Box_Top_v2.stl that could hold a 5th lithophane. I have not printed this file, so I do not have a recommended print orientation or support setting for this file.

This article was first featured at https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/lithophane-light-box-tjwittkop on October 13, 2020 at 06:17AM by

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