This Innovative design has a variety to it, it can range from holding files, papers, pens and pencils to holding a phone, note pad or many more basic class necessities. This design is meant to be able to have everything for class available all in one place, giving students the ability to have access to everything in one place, allowing them to be organized and prepared for class day in and day out. As a student participating in virtual school I speak on behalf of other students, that virtual school is stressful its hard to keep organized and on top of tasks, this design helps students have their work, notes, class necessities and utilities such as rulers, scissors and tape ready for class at all times.
Whilst building the design, it was a struggle to decide upon how I would make a design which has many factors and components to it, as compact as it is, to help those students who have small work tables and need a space efficient design.
If I were given the opportunity to redesign the build, I would look to make it more ergonomically suiting, I would lead this by making the phone holder adjustable, meaning you would be able to adjust the height and angle of it so you’re not constantly looking at a downwards angle.
3D printing could help me understand and prepare for design, it could help me look at what I’ve made and make changes and inspect what went wrong, this would increase my design skills as I’d be able to think of these factors for the next time I build something rather than after I build it.
This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4619710 on October 12, 2020 at 11:32PM by AdibC
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