March 15, 2025

Desk and Wire Organizer Organizer


The desk and wire organizer that I designed allows people to organize their desks and wires on their desks. Because of the pandemic and online school, many people have multiple electronic devices on their desks. With those electronic devices comes the many wires to charge those devices. Having wires just hanging from your desk can be annoying and a tripping hazard. That is why there are 5 wire holders on the organizer. There is also a device stand that allows you to prop up a device when charging and a desk organizer that has 4 large holes that allow you to put pencils and pens in them.

One of the challenges I faced was the size of the wire holders. Wires come in all different shapes and sizes, so I designed the wire holders as 3/4 of a circle with an inner diameter of 0.295 in. and an opening of 0.148in. I measured a couple of wires in my house and found that the general size was around 0.1in. to 0.148 in. I wanted the wires to fit through the opening, so I made it a little bigger than the sizes of the wires and I made the inner diameter of the opening 0.1 inches larger so the wire has a little bit of space to move around. Another issue that I had was how large I could make the organizer. I didn’t want the organizer to be so large that it could not fit on any desk, but I wanted it to be large enough to allow a large number of things int the organizer. I made the squares in the organizer 2.35in x 2.35in x 5in. at the highest point and 2.35in x 2.35in x 2.2 in. This will allow enough space to put in pencils and erasers comfortably.

If I were to redesign my organizer, I would add more holders for devices on the front of the organizer. This would allow for more spots for devices that are charging.

3D-printing would strengthen my design because making this organizer at home would not be possible without extensive knowledge and access to complicated tools. However, 3D-printing would allow you, for all intents and purposes, to download the design on a 3D-printer and allow it to make it. The complexity of fabricating the organizer is thousands of times easier with a 3D-printer than without it.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4622476 on October 12, 2020 at 10:03PM by Lowol11

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