March 16, 2025

Attachable Desk Organizer


My unique desk organizer is a useful tool for all students. Whether you like to do your virtual school at you desk or in bed, this desk organizer enables you to have all of yous supplies with you at all times in a convenient and cool fashion. It is adjustable to many laptops and holds your pencils, a cup, head phones and your phone with space for a charger. it attaches to your laptop to make all of your supplies easily accessible!

When making this design I ran into a few obstacles. I had so many functions I wanted to cram into one design. Once I got to work and I started to form the base of my design I really struggled with the adjustable portion of the design. While the design turned out great I would say that is what took me the longest.

If I could redesign this again I would probably include drawers and keep it simple. My design had a lot of parts and I found that it was a little more complicated that it had to be.

3D printing would help strengthen my design because I could see the prototype in action and really understand if my design could work for virtual learners.

Thank you for this opportunity!

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4621973 on October 12, 2020 at 11:04PM by mcolasurdo21

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