March 15, 2025

MaxiMoop two section hull (POC)


See full license here: https://github.com/WRSC/reference-design/blob/master/LICENSE

Data source: https://github.com/WRSC/reference-design

This is cut into two section, with indexing holes to join the section, and hollowed out with some access ports on the deck. This model seems viable, although I consider more of a very rough Proof Of Concept for 3D printing.

The model is a full size MaxiMOOP, you will have to scale it down to fit your 3D printer

I’ve printed a 170mm version of this with no supports to verify this approach would work.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4583051 on August 29, 2020 at 03:58PM by iroxor

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