March 17, 2025

Super Deluxe Quintillions Block Set


The blocks are from the Super Deluxe Quintillions wooden block puzzle game. It can be found here:

I had access to 3D printing services that made printing the blocks cheaper than buying the full set. I purchased the puzzle books from the site for less than $15 dollars. Funny thing is, the solution to each individual puzzle costs $0.75 cents each, so I made it my personal goal to come up with a solution for each puzzle myself.

Altogether, an easy print, fun stuff. Some blocks with a suspended portion need support.

And I thought it was cool that they’re called ‘quint-‘ because each block has 5 units and there are like millions of ways to put them together to make figures and stuff.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4558328 on August 1, 2020 at 12:53AM by swelunipolumi

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