March 17, 2025

Push Rod Exit Covers (Derived from Servo Protector Simple)


I wanted to print some push rod exit covers (well snake exits actually but the purpose is the same) and used “simple servo protector” as a template. I loaded this into Microsoft 3D builder (if you have MS Windows then you have this), where it was easy to adjust the dimensions to the size I wanted. I have therefore included the 3MF files from 3D builder. 3MF files will load directly into Simplify 3D, which what I did and I have included my factory files for printing with ABS on a Mlayan M180 printer. I have also included an STL file.

My prints came out okay but to be honest I think my printer setting could have been tweeked for fewer zits and the supports material wasn’t that easy to remove.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4542831 on July 15, 2020 at 08:48AM by IPJnet

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