March 18, 2025

8x8x8 LED Cube Case


This is an alternate case design for the Geekreit 8x8x8 LED cube display, purchasible from banggood (https://www.banggood.com/Geekcreit-8x8x8-LED-Cube-3D-Light-Square-Blue-LED-Flash-Electronic-DIY-Kit-p-1055438.html)

This design differs in that you do not need to disassemble (and part-desolder) the LED array before assembling the case. Making adjustments and repairs much easier.

Also included is a 8×8 LED positioning jig so you can get your LEDs positioned just right. See the pictures for an in-use example.

SCAD files included, so you can tweak things like the shape of the power button cut-out, etc.


  • Once all the LEDs are soldered into the jig, you’ll need to flex/warp the jig back and forth to slowly release the LEDs

  • The SCAD file was cleaned up a little after printing the case as displayed. Everything aligned up in the resulting model, but there’s a chance something might not come out right.

  • The screw holes are intended to be used with M3 screws. The upper portion of the post will need to be tapped. Alternately, self-tapping screws should work well, too. The ID of the upper post is a bit smaller than M3 for either purpose.

  • No “extra space” between mating components has been made. This turned out okay, but I suggest you check your extrusion factor, and avoid any significant over-extrusion.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4542382 on July 14, 2020 at 07:07PM by Chmarr

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