March 18, 2025

Las Vegas Skyline


My first attempt at making something on my own vice just picking up files from Thingiverse. I’ve only been printing a week so have a lot to learn.

I downloaded an image of the Vegas skyline in .png and converted it in Microsoft 3D Builder to a .stl file. In my original print, the High Roller wouldn’t support itself based on the image alone and I wasn’t happy with the wording on the Welcome Sign.

Went back and changed the image file to black out holes in the image that were for artistic effect, added a cylinder to the High Roller for support, and added the lettering with depth on the Welcome Sign.

Overall I’m pretty happy with how it came out. I may tinker with it a bit, add a line for the palm tree, deepen the letting on the sign, etc..

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4541456 on July 13, 2020 at 06:10PM by vp2

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