March 19, 2025

1/100 Gundam Zaku Anti Ship Rifle


This my interpretation of the zaku anti ship rifle. Originally, it look like the rifle is an open bolt design, which is horrible for sniper rifle. I changed it to a closed bolt so it is more realistic.

The anti ship rifle was developed in the early phase of One Year War, the long-barreled 135mm anti-ship rifle is used by various models of Zeon mobile suits for long-range sniping attack against Federation’s warships. It fires highly accurate solid rounds which can heavily damage E.F.F.’s Salamis-class cruiser. In firing position, the anti-ship rifle must be held by both MS manipulators to reduce its massive recoils.

There is also a group on facebook just for 3d printing for gunpla. I highly recommend you to join if you are interested. It’s called 3d Printed Gunpla.

If you like what you see, and would like to support me, please take a look at my store. I have a lot more STL files for sale. This will help further my creativity and create more customs quickly.


This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4539839 on July 12, 2020 at 03:54AM by T-san

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