March 19, 2025

Williams Getaway Pinball – Mountain


Mountain mod for the Williams Getaway High Speed II Pinball machine

Complete with tunnel & protective ramp cover

Fits with the factory traffic light or the Traffic Light mod by OlloG (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3339547)

The back right-hand corner of the supercharger loop needs a protective cover to stop the ball flying out since you will need remove the factory plastic in this area to make way for the mountain. I checked my old cover and there were quite a few marks on it so I recommend fitting one. There is a flat plain cover print included or an alternate cover with raised 3D ‘Supercharger’ writing. To be honest you can’t really see much of it as it’s tucked in under the back corner but still looks cool. To do the double filament colours like I did, set up Cura for a filament change at layer 10 (i.e. change filament before printing layer 10). Use exact same settings as with the mountain. No need for supports.


  1. Print & paint as per details below. Don’t worry if the underside surfaces look a bit stringy as none of this is seen
  2. You will need to unscrew the 4 screws holding the chrome supercharger blower 3-light fitting
  3. Temporarily loosen the traffic light
  4. Remove the two plastics as in the last photo. You won’t need these again but keep them anyway. Leave the three underside washers in place on the lower plastic though
  5. Fit the mountain by tucking the long arm and small mountain under the supercharger ramp first and guide into place (do any custom LED lighting inside the tunnel at his point)
  6. Press the mountain base down and align with the three threaded bolts
  7. Fit the 3 nyloc nuts and tighten (small spanner needed)
  8. Print the cover you want (plain flat one or one with 3d text)
  9. Fit the cover over the back corner of the supercharger ramp
  10. Put the chrome supercharger blower 3-light fitting back into place and screw down firmly
  11. Refit the traffic light


Paint the mountain however you wish but I chose to spray mine in matt dark grey then applied DuraMax granite effect paint. The snow was painted on with flat white paint and a small brush. Paint the opening to the tunnel with brush too to contrast it.

Please post your prints to show what you came up with.

Not for commercial use.

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4539022 on July 11, 2020 at 07:51AM by Cobra64

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