DC has unveiled an interactive map for the Metalverse, the twisted new DC Universe featured in Dark Nights: Death Metal, the newly-launched event series by writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo.
CBR had a first look at the Metalverse map during a video conference call with Snyder ahead of the release of Death Metal #1. The map, illustrated by Jared Blando, allows fans to hover over an area of the Metalverse to discover how The Batman Who Laughs has reshaped the DCU. A static version of the Metalverse map can be found below, with the interactive map found at DC’s dedicated Metal website.
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Hovering over various sections of the Metalverse interactive map reveal Bludhaven being overrun by the Slaughter Swamp; the Arkham Wastelands, where Captain Atom sacrificed himself to stop the Batman Who Laughs; Toymaster’s Vault, which is rumored to have an entrance shaped like a giant toy chest; the last remnants of the Red on Earth, now called the Junglelands; the Seven Seas, where Aquaman and his Black Fleet patrol the waters for the Batman Who Laughs; the villain’s stronghold on Gotham, complete with giant Joker dragons roaming the skies; the Hellscape, where the BatMage ripped open the door to Hell; the remade Metropolis ruled by the Tyrant Sun, Solaris; Machine City One, home of DC’s A.I. that were overwhelmed by Batmanhunter and his Manhunter Army; the graveyard for thousands of Lanterns, now known as Valley of the Rainbow Rings; Megapokolips, where Superman is currently held prisoner; Warworld, an arena built for the amusement of the Dark Multiverse Batmen; and Mr. Freeze’s Fortress of Sorrow.
The Death Metal Metalverse map will be explored further in August’s Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook.
KEEP READING: PREVIEW: Death Metal’s JSA Debut Includes A Tearful Speedster Reunion
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