March 18, 2025

9×19 Snap Caps (9mm Parabellum)


Some 3D printed 9mm snap caps for dry fire training, safety, anything really…

Tested in my 9mm subcompact pistol. Depending on the machine’s printing capabilities, it’s highly recommended you lightly sand each snap cap round semi smooth before function testing. After the sanding process, my pistol was able to strip each round from it’s mag, chamber, and extract each round just as if it were a live, unfired round. The firing pin makes solid contact with the plastic round when the trigger is pulled.

For store bought 9mm snap caps, you’ll be paying around $12 – $15 per 5 or 6. (This feels like a friggin ripoff if ya ask me) For 6g of plastic, you’re paying only 12ish cents for 5 3D printed snap caps. The best part, if they ever break you can just print a metric assload more!

The original file is 1/1 in exact dimensions to 9×19 NATO specs, but because PLA tends to expand/contract about 5% in size, the file (That’s clearly labeled to print) to print with will be slightly smaller in scale, at .97 in size. Depending on the material, you might wanna scale up or down in size by .01, depending on how well the file’s design (Labeled to print… as a reminder) functions in your firearm.

If you attempt to print the file that’s exactly 1/1 scale (Ya know… the file that in all caps is screaming NO PRINTY BOI), you might end up with a failure to feed and(or) extract; in which you’ll need to punch the round out the back with a rod.

And yes, the 3D printed snap caps in the pic look rough… give’m a break its Monday!

Standard Print Settings:

Extruder: 208C

Bed: 56C

First Layer Print Height: .22mm

Infill Percentage: 18%

Wall Thickness: .40

Wall Perimeters: 3

This article was first featured at https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/9×19-snap-caps-9mm-parabellum on June 29, 2020 at 03:12PM by

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