March 12, 2025

Sanding Block Bolt tester


Not so much a remix, as a tool to test you are printing the bolts correctly.

This is actually the real bolt hole in the model, turned into a nut you can thread your bolt into.

All I did was slice the model down a bit and notch it in a way that should allow you to get your fingers onto it for leverage.

Print this with the exact same setting you will print the block at, and the both at. (or don’t, you can play as you see fit.).

Included is a 3mf file from Microsoft 3d Builder in case you want to use that instead.

It is pretty low cost over printing bolts and the model over and over again until you get it right (or give up in frustration).

Since this is from the actual model, it is ‘the real deal’.

** Note: HeyBluGuy (https://www.thingiverse.com/Heybluguy) remixed the original model into narrow version, and added rounded bolts. They are the same bolts with the tops raised and rounded. You can use this testing nut to see if they will fit your base as well.

Happy printing!

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4490586 on June 21, 2020 at 09:00PM by MelvinOnline

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