This was a fun project! It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I had a spare 30Pixels/m roll from another project, so i decided to use it instead of buying a new 60Pixels/m. Because of this, I could only fit 4 pixels per rail.
Here are a few other differences I made along the way:
Printed Setting: I used a 0.6mm Nozzle which allowed me to print at 100.0 mm/s. This change almost cut the printing time in half. I highly recommend it.
Arduino: Because I was only using 4 leds per rail instead of 9, I needed to modify the Arduino file. See it attached.
I used Blynk for the all, and IFTTT to link Google Assistant with the Blynk app.
In the future I want to add some led effects (like rainbow, animation patterns, etc.) to increase functionality.
This article was first featured at on June 21, 2020 at 12:14PM by Amorozzo19
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