March 3, 2025

It looks like Apex Legends secret bunkers will open next week by Imogen Beckhelling

It looks like Apex Legends secret bunkers will open next week –

At the start of Apex Legends‘ fifth season, players witnessed Kings Canyon erupt after new Legend Loba went sneaking through a creepy underground lab. She set off all sorts of alarms and caused the facility to explode, changing the landscape of the map for good. Now there’s a whopping great hole where Skull Town used to be, various dig sites dotted around, and a few mysterious metal bunker doors in the ground. One dataminer reckons these bunker doors are about to open, and it looks like there’s some golden loot waiting inside.


This story was originally featured at https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/06/08/it-looks-like-apex-legends-secret-bunkers-will-open-next-week/

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