February 25, 2025

LOTMAXX SC-10 SHARK 3D printer knows how to keep cool and keep on printing

If you haven’t heard much about 3D printers in the news for a while, it’s not because they’ve gone out of fashion. It’s just that they have become that common, at least for companies, schools, and a few individuals that can afford them. 3D printers aren’t cheap, especially the good ones. That’s why Shenzhen-based LOTMAXX is working to make mid-high-end … Continue reading

This article was first featured at https://www.slashgear.com/lotmaxx-sc-10-shark-3d-printer-knows-how-to-keep-cool-and-keep-on-printing-04622747/ on June 4, 2020 at 06:12AM by JC Torres

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